
Kingdom under fire steam
Kingdom under fire steam

  • Lead the charge as spectacularly powerful new characters.
  • kingdom under fire steam

    Master Seven New Heroes, Both Light and Dark Cast powerful magic and call on artillery.Wind and rain can change the course of a battle. Call in air units to pummel foes with cannon fire or their own plummeting hulls.Lay traps and ambushes in forests, or smoke your foes out with fire arrows.Defend the high ground and ride down into your opponent’s ranks.Conquer fifty complex new missions, plus an endless range of random battles.īecome a Master of War and Wield the Battlefield as a Weapon.Call in airstrikes and artillery and watch the battlefield burn.Command new forces, including powerful elemental creatures.Lead from the front as a half-vampire count, an ogre warlord, or graceful dark elf.

    kingdom under fire steam

    Seven new playable characters, each with their own story-driven campaign.A massive new game in the Kingdom Under Fire saga.Rock on and ride out, accompanied by a high-powered metal soundtrack.Revisit classic battlefields in widescreen HD (including ultrawide support).Full controller support (a gamepad is recommended for optimal experience) plus an all-new mouse and keyboard mode.Medieval mayhem returns! Orcs and ogres, vampires, and knights-command them all in this epic conflict of steel and strategy! Command new units across seven new campaigns, each featuring a new playable character.

    kingdom under fire steam

    Return to the battlegrounds of Bersia in Kingdom Under Fire: Heroes, the sequel to the Xbox cult hit Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders, updated into HD for modern PCs.

    Kingdom under fire steam